Loaned by American Museum of Natural History








VOL. VII. 1854, 1855.


1> R I N T E D F 0 It T II E ACADEMY: By Merrihew & Thompson, Merchant 6trect above Fourth.





Abert, Col. J. J., don. to lib., x. Acad. C. L. C. Nat. Curiosorum, don.

to lib., xii., xxix. Acad. Royale des Sciences de Belgique,

don. to lib., xvi. Acad. Nat. Sci. of California, don. to mus., i.; extract from Proceedings of, 15. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, don.

to lib., ii. Agnew, A. G. E., don. to lib., xxxv. Albany Institute, don. to lib., xxxi. Allen, J. Fisk, don. to lib., xxv. Allen, William H., LL.D., don. to lib.,

xxxvrii. American Association for the advance- ment of Science, don. to lib., xxxv. American Academy of Arts and Sci- ences, don. to lib., viii., xxxiv. American Journal of Science and Arts, don. of, by Editors, i., v., viii., xi., xv., xvii., xxi., xxiii., xxvii., xxxi., xxxiv., xxxix. American Geographical and Statistical

Society, don. to lib., xv. American Ethnographical Society, don.

to lib., xii. American Philosophical Society, don.

to lib., iii., xii., xxii., xxix. Annals of Science, don. of, by Editor,

i., iii., v., vi. Anthony, J. G., don. to lib., ix. Annaboldi, G., don. to lib., xiii. Adams, Capt. H. A., U. S. N., don. to

mus., xxx. Ashhurst, John, don. to mus., xxxvii. Ashmead, Chas. C, don. to mus., xxvi. Ashmead, Samuel, don. to mus., i., xiv., xxiii., xxv., xxvi., xxxiii. ; remarks on having noticed the fact that Colu- ber eximius can produce a sound like the rattle of the rattlesnake, and that the black snake can produce a similar sound, 345 ; catalogue of marine Al- gae discovered at Beesley's Point, N. J., 410. Avogadro, Le Comte, don. to lib.; ii.

Baird, Prof. S. F., don. to lib., viii., x., xviii., xxix.; descriptions of new ge- nera and species of North American Frogs, 59 ; descriptions of new Birds collected between Albuquerque, N. M.,and San Francisco, Cal., 1853-4. on the Pacific railroad route, under Lieut. Whipple, 118; characteristics of some new species of Mammalia, collected by the U. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey, Maj. Emory, Com- missioner, part 1, 331 ; characteris- tics of some new species of N. A. Mammalia, collected chiefly in con- nection with the U. S. surveys of a railroad route to the Pacific, part 1, 333. Baird, Prof., and C. Girard, descrip- tions of new species of Fishes from Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, col- lected by Mr. J. H. Clark and Capt. Van Vleit,24. Bache, Prof. A. D., don. to lib., xvi. Barton, Dr. E. H., don. to mus., xxi.,

don. to lib., xxii. Bavarian Government, don. to lib., ix.,

xxxii. Bender, E., don. to mus., xxvi. Beesley, Thomas, don. to mus., xxv.,

xxvi. Belfast Nat. Hist, and Philosoph. Soc,

don. to lib., x. Blake, Wm. P., notice of remarkable strata containing the remains of In- fusoria and Polythalamia in the Ter- tiary formation of Monterey, Cal., 328. Blanding, Dr. Wm., Jr. don to mus.,iv. Bonaparte, Prince C. L., don. to lib.,

xxi. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc, don. to lib., viii., xi., xii., xv., xx., xxii., xxiv., xxv., xxvii., xxviii., xvxiv., yvxv., xxxix. Bouchardat, M., don. to lib., xx. Brazier, A., don. to lib., xii., xxii., xxiii., xxiv., xxviii.



Breck, Samuel, don. to mus., xvi.

Bridges, Dr. R., don. lo lib., iii.

Brainard, Dr. B. H., don. to lib., xvii.

Brinton, Dr., remarks on a new mode recently devised by him, for the pre- paration of anatomical specimens, 71.

Briicke, Ernest., don. to lib., xxi.

Burtt, Dr. J. L., Q. S. N., don. to mus., xxvi., xxx.

Byrne, Bernard M., don. to lib., xxiv.

By-Laws, amendment of, 88.

California Acad, of Nat. Sci., don. to lib., xv. , xxii., xxvii., xxxi., xxxv.

California State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, don. to lib., xii.

Cabanis, J., don. to lib., xiii.

Carpenter, G. W., don. to mus., i., don. to lib., vi.

Carus, J. Victor, don. to lib., ix.

Carret, Thos. W., don. to mus., xxi.

Camac, Dr. Wm., don. to mus., xxvi.

Carson, Dr., don. to mus., xxxvii.

Cassin, John, don. to lib., xxxvi. ; re- marks on the appearance of Loxia leticoptera in great numbers in this vicinity, 203 ; list of pigeons of the genus Carpophaga, in the collections of the Acad. Nat. Sci. and of the Ex- plo. Exped. (Vincennesand Peacock) with descriptions and notices of new and little known species, 227 ; re- marks on Grex prate?isis, a specimen of which had been obtained near Sa- lem, N. J., 265 ; notes on N. Amer. Falconidae, with descriptions of new- species, 277 ; reference to Ganis an- tarcticics, and several species of geese and other birds from the Falk- land Islands, obtained by Capt. Bern- see, 289 ; descriptions of new species of Birds from Western Africa, in the collection of the Acad. Nat. Sci. of Philada., 324 ; remarks on the in- tended expedition of M. Duchaillu into the interior of West Africa, and on the results of his former expedi- tions in that country, 410; notices of some new and little known Birds in the collection of the U. S. Explo. Exped., in the Vincennes and Pea- cock, and in the collection of the A. N. S. of Philada., 438.

Charleston Med. Journ. and Review, don. of, by Editors, v., xii., xv., xxi. . xxii., xxiv., xxvii., xxxiv., xl.

Coates, B. H., don. to lib., xxii.

Coleman, Dr., don. to mus., xiii., xxxvii.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs, don. to lib., viii., ix.

Committee to recommend to the Go- vernment the propriety of having Na- turalists attached to the expedition for the exploration of Africa, 2.

Committee to solicit contributions from the members of the Academy, to aid the expedition of M. Duchaillu into Western Africa, 40.

Committees, standing,for 1854,14 ; for 1855, 264.

Committees on scientific papers : By Chas. Girard ; on a new Entomos- tracan of the family Limnadidae, in- habiting the western waters, 1 ; on a new species of Salmonidae, 71 ; a list of North American Bufonides, with diagnosis of new species, 72 ; descrip- tion of new fishes collected on the Southern Pacific railroad route, 126 ; enumeration of marine fishes col- lected at San Francisco, Cal., 127 ; observations on fishes from the Pa- cific, 128; characteristics of some cartilaginous Fishes from the Pacific coast of N. America, 195 ; on Fishes collected on the coast of Chili, 195; abstract of a report to Lieut. Gilliss. upon R ptiles collected during the U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedi- tion to Chili, 202 ; observations on viviparous fishes inhabiting the Pa- cific coast of N. America, with an enumeration of the species observed, 289 : By Dr. A. T. King, on the an- cient Alluvium of the Ohio River and its tributaries, 1 ; description of fos- sil Trees found in the coal rocks near Greensbuijjh, Pa., 35 ; description of a fossil Fruit found in the carbonife- rous rocks of Beaver county, Pa., 35 : By Mr. Conrad, synopsis of the ge- nera Parapholas and Penicilla, 2; rectification of the generic names of tertiary fossil Shells, 23; notes on Shells with descriptions of new spe- cies, 23 ; descriptions of new species of Qnio, 256; observations on the Eocene deposit of Mississippi, with descriptions of new species of Shells and Corals, 256; descriptions of new cretaceous and tertiary fossils, 264 ; descriptions of new species of cre- taceous Shells from Texas, 264 ; de- scription of a new species of Mela- nia, 264 ; notes on the Miocene and Post-Pliocene deposits of California,



with descriptions of two new fossil Corals, and description of a new spe- cies of Pentamenis, 119 : By Major Le Conte, notice of American Ani- mals formerly known, but now for- gotten or lost, 2 ; observations on Vespertilio leporinus, and descrip- tions of (our new species of Kinoster- num, 174 ; descriptions of new spe- cies of Astacus from Georgia ; on a new species of Gelasimus ; remarks on a new species of American Cimex, 399; observations on N. American Bats; descriptive catalogue of Ra- ninae, 419 ; description of a new spe- cies of Hesperomys, 4 19 : By Isaac Lea, rectification of Mr. T. A. Con- rad's synopsis of the family Naiades of N. America, published in Proc. A. N. S. Philada., Feb., 1S53, 15; de- scription of a new Mollusk from the red sandstone, near Pottsville, Pa., 346 : By Dr. Le Conte, descriptions of some Coleoptera from Oregon, collected by Dr. J. G. Cooper, &c, 15 ; synopsis of the CEdemeridae of the V. States, 15 ; note on the genus Amblychila, 23 ; synopsis of the spe- cies of Platynus and allied genera inhabiting the U. States, 34 ; synop- sis of the Cucuiides of the U. States, 69 ; notes on some coleopterous In- sects from the collections of the Mexican Boundary Expedition, 70 ; synopsis of Dermestida? of the TJ. States, 91 ; synopsis of the Byrrhidae of N. America, 91 ; synopsis of the Erotylidce of the U. States, 128 ; de- scriptions of the species of Trox and Omorgus inhabiting the TJ. States, 202 ; descriptions of new Coleoptera collected by Dr. Webb, of the U. States Mexican Boundary Commis- sion, in 1850-'2,2f'3 ; synopsis of the Pyrochroides of the U. States, 2C5 ; synopsis of the Lathridiides of the TJ. States and contiguous territories, 285; analytical table of the species Hy- droporus found in the TJ. States, with descriptions of new species, 285; notes on the Amaras of the TJ. States, 345 ; synopsis of the Hydrophilida? of the TJ. States, 345: By Prof. Baird and C. Girard, descriptions of new species of Fishes, collected in Texas, New Mexico and Sonora, by Mr. Clark, and in Texas by Capt. Van Vleit, U. S. A., 23 ; notice of a new genus of Cyprinidas, 128: Bv Prof. Baird, descriptions of new species of N. A. Ranaeformes and Hylaeformes,

in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, 34 ; descriptions of new Birds collected between Albuquer- que,New Mexico, and San Francisco, Cal., 91 ; characteristicsof som« new species of N. American Mammalia, collected chiefly during the U. S. survej s of a railroad ronle to the Pa- cific, part I., 336 ; characteristics of some new species of N. American Mammalia, collected by TJ. S. and Mexican Boundary Survey under Ma- jor Emory, TJ. S. A., 336": ByJ.W. Dawson, on fossil coniferous Wood from Prince Edward's Island, 35. By W. Dudley, description of a new- species of Crane found in Wisconsin, 35: By Lieut. Couch, TJ. S. A., notes on Birds observed in Texas and in the States of Nueva Leon, Tamaulipas and Coanuila, Mexico, with descriptions of new species, 35 : By Dr. Hallowell, descriptions of new Reptiles from California, and on a genus and species of Serpent from Honduras, presumed to be new, 89 ; remarks on the geographical distri- bution of Reptiles, with descriptions of several species supposed to be new, and corrections of former papers, 90; notices of new Reptiles from Texas, 174 ; contributions to South Ameri- can Herpetology, 127: By Dr. W. P. Gibbons, descriptions of new species of viviparous Fishes of California, 90; descriptions of new species of vivipa- rous, marine and fresh-water Fishes of California, 121 : By Drs. Evans and B. Shumard, descriptions of new fossil species from the cretaceous formation of Sase Creek, Nebraska, 91 ; descriptions of new fossil species from the fresh-water Tertiary forma- tion of Nebraska, 127 : By Dr. Leidy, synopsis of extinct Mammalia from Nebraska, 127 ; description of a fos- sil apparently indicating a species of the Camel tribe, 167; on Urnatella gracilis and a new species of Pluma- tella, 174 ; notice of some fossil Bones discovered on the banks of the Ohio River, 195; remarks on the identity of Bootherium cavifrons with Ovibos moschatus, or O. maximus, 202 ; indications of twelve species of fossil fishes, 395; contributions to a knowledge of the marine Inverte- brate fauna of the coasts of Rhode Island and New Jersey, 399 ; indica-' tions of five species and two new ge- nera of extinct Fishes, 410 ; notices



of some Tape-worms, 419 : Ey M. Tuorney, descriptions of new fossils from the Southern States, 167 : By James D. Dana, catalogue and de- scriptions of Crustacea, collected in California by Dr. Le Conte, 173: By Dr. A. L. Heermann, additions to N. American Ornithology, 173 : By A. Durand and Theo. Hilgard, descrip- tions of new plants from South Cali- fornia, 174 : By J. E. Holbrook, M. D., descriptions of Fishes of S. Caro- lina, 174. By Joseph Jones, abstract of experiments upon the physical in- fluences exerted by living organic and inorganic membranes upon che- mical substances passing through them by endosmosis, 174 : By John Cassin, list of the species of Pigeons of the genus Carpophagus, in the col- lection of the A. N. S. and of the U. S. Explo. Exped., with descriptions of new and little known species, 203; notes on N. American Falconidae, with descriptions of new species, 265; descriptions of new species of Birds from W. Africa and Zanzibar, 289 : description of a new species of Par- rot, 415 ; notices on some new and little known Birds in collection of U. S. Explo. Ex'ped. in Vincennes and Peacock, and in collection of A. N. S., 419 : By Dr. Genth, Herrerite identical with Srnithsonite, 203 ; an- alysis of Meteoric Iron, from Tucson, Mex., 288 : By Dr. Wetherill, Che- mical notices, 203 : By Prof. Julien Derby, remarks on the Cryptogamic Flora of the State of Georgia, 256: By Messrs. Norwood and Pratten, notice of fossils from the carboniferous se- J ries of the Western States, with de- j scriptions of new species, 264: By Mr. Durand, Plants Prattenianiae califor- nicae with descriptions of Plants, new or unpublished in America, 286: By Dr. T. C. Henry, notes on the Birds of New Mexico, 286: By W. R. Blake, notice of remarkable strata of the remains of Infusoria and Poly- thalamia in the tertiary formation of Monterey, Ca!., 336: By Wm. Stimp- son, description of new Invertebrata from the Chinese and Japanese seas, 345 and 385: By Dr. J. Aitken Meigs, relation of Atomic heat to Crystal- line form, 375 : By Jose del Solar, of Lima, Peru, description of a new spe- cies of Carica, 395 : By Prof. A . Ret- zius, on artificially formed skulls

from the ancient world, 399 : By S. Ashmead, catalogue of marine Aluae, from Beesley's Point, N. J., with some remarks, 409 : By Philip R. Uhler, descriptions of some new spe- cies of Coleoptera, 415 : By T. P. James, an enumeration of Mosses detected in the northern U. States, which are not comprised in Gray's Manual, some of which are new spe- cies, 453. Conrad, T. A., rectification of generic names of tertiary fossil Shells, 29 ; notes on Shells, with descriptions of three recent and one fossil species, 31; descriptions of three new species of Unio, 256 ; observations on the Eocene deposit of Jackson, Miss., with descriptions of thirty-four new species of Shells and Fossils, 257; descriptions of eighteen new creta- ceous and tertiary Fossils, &c, 265 ; descriptions of one tertiary and eight new cretaceous Fossils fr©m Texas, in the collection of Major Emory, 268 ; description of a new species of Me-lania, 269 ; note on the Miocene and Post-Pliocene deposits of Cali- fornia, with descriptions of two new fossil Corals, 441 ; description of a new species of Pentamerus, 441. Cook, Mr., don. to mus., i. Couch, Lieut. D. N., (J. S. A., descrip- tions of new Birds of Northern Mexico, 66. Coultas, Harland, don. to lib., x. Correspondents elected :

Adamson, Rev. Dr. J. C, 2S4. Audubon, John W., 337. Briicke, Prof. Ernest, 201. Burnett, W. J., 67. Couch, Lieut. D. N., TJ. S. A., 14.

Dearing, Dr. Wm. E., 165.

Dalton, Dr. John C, Jr., 337. Doremy, Dr. R. O., 341.

Enderling, Dr. Chas., 22. G. y Garcia, Jose A., 341 .

Hammond, Dr. Wm.A., U.S.A., 337.

Kirkwood, Prof. D., 67.

McClellan, Capt. Geo. B., U. S. A., 284.

Motschulsky, Col. Victor, 126.

D'Oliveira, C. B., 341.

Pratten, Henry, 173.

Prout, Dr. Hiram A., 173,

Rathvon, S. S., 201.

Sandberser, Dr. Fredolen, 408.

Santos, C. A., 341.

Sandberger, Dr. Guido, 40S.

del Solar, Jose, 397.


VI 1.

Steiner, Dr. Lewis H., 454. Suckley, Dr. George, U. S. A., 451. Von Nordman, Alexander, 126. Winslow, R. K., 201. Wailes, Prof. B. L. C, 337. Curators, report of for 1854, 252 ; for 1855, 450.

Da Costa, Dr., don. to lib., xxxviii. ; remarks on a new process he has lately employed in making minute injections in anatomical preparations, 90.

Dana, James D., don. lo lib., xvi., xxviii. ; catalogue and descriptions of Crustacea collected in California by Dr. J. L. Le Conte, 175.

Dalton, Henry G., don. to lib., xxii.

De Candolle, Alph., don. to lib., xxxi.

Dawson, J. W., don. to lib., x., xxxii.; on fossil coniferous Wood from Prince Edward's Island, 62.

Darlington, Dr. VVm., don. to lib., iii.

Dietz, Dr. A. J., don. to mus., xiv.

Dowler, Bennett, don. to lib., xviii.

Dozy, F., don. to lib., xx.

Dock, Dr., don. to mus., xxi.

Drinker, Henry, don. to mus., xxxvii.

Duchaillu, Belloni, don. to mus., xiii.

Dudley, Wm., description of a new species of Crane from Wisconsin, 64.

Durand, Mr., don. to mus., xxx.

Dundas, James, don. to mus., xi.

Dozy, F., and J. H. Molkenboer, don. to lib., xxi.

Fisher, Dr. J. C, don. to mus., xi., xxiii., xxv.

Fisher, Thos., don. to mus., xxi.

Foulke, Wm. P., don. to mus., i. ; the thanks of the Academy voted to, for address delivered in commemoration of the founding of the Institution, 33 ; remarks on a lecture by Mr. Hugh Miller, republished in the U. States, entitled " the Two Records the Mosaic and the Geological,'' 69.

Franklin Institute, don. to lib., xvii., xxv., xxxiv.

Freeman, Dr. W. H., don, to mus.. xvi., xvii.; don. to lib., xxii.

Foetterle, Franz, don. to lib., xxix.

Fox, Rev. Chas., don. mus., xxxiii.

East India Company, Hon., don. to lib., xxxii.

Ecole des Mines, don. to lib., xxvii., xli.

Edwards, Amory, don. to mus., xi.

Emerson, Dr. G., don. to mus., vi.

Emmons, E., don. to lib., xxv.

Engleman, Dr. Geo., don. to lib., vi.

Evans and Shumard, descriptions of new fossil species from the Creta- ceous formation of Sage Creek, Ne- braska, 163; descriptions of new fos- sil species from the fresh water ter- tiary formations of Nebraska, 164.

Entomological Society of Stettin, don. to lib., xx., xxix.

Field, Roswell, don. to mus., xxxiii.

Geological Society of Germany, don. to lib., ii., ix., xiii., xx., xxviii., xxix., xxxix.

Gilliss, Lieut., U. S. N., don. to lib., xxxix., xli.

Gillette, F. B., don. to mus., xxxvii. ,' Gould, Aug. A., don. to lib., xli.

Grateloup, Dr., don. to lib., xl.

Garcia, Jose Ant. G. y, don. to lib., xli.

Girard, Chas., don. to lib., vi., x., xviii., xxv., xxix. ; on a new Ento- mostracan of the family Limnadidae, inhabiting the western waters, 3 ; notice of a new species of Salmonidae from the N. E. part of the U. States, 85; a list of the N. American Bu- fonids, with diagnoses of new species, 86 ; descriptions of new Fishes col- lected by Dr. Heermann on the Pacific railroad route, 129 ; enumeration of the species of Fishes collected by Dr. Kennerly at San Francisco, Cal., 141; observations on a collection of Fishes made on the Pacific coast of the U. States by Lieut. Trowbridge, U.S.A., 142 ; characteristics of some carti- laginous Fishes of the Pacific coast of N. America, 196 ; abstract of a report to Lieut. Gilliss, U. S. N., upon the Fishes collected during the U. States Naval Astronomical Ex- ped. to Chili, 197 ; abstract of a re- port to Lieut. Gilliss, U.S. N., upon the Reptiles collected during the U. S. Naval Astronomical Exped. to Chili, 226 ; notice upon viviparous Fishes inhabiting the Pacific coast of N. America, with an enumeration of the species observed, 318.

Gibbons, Dr. W. P., don. to mus., vii.;



Descriptions of new species of vivi- j parous Fishes of California, 105 ; des- criptions of new species of marine ami fresh-water Fishes of California, 122.

Gilliams, Wm., don. to mus., xiv.

Genth, Dr., Herrerite identical with Smithsonite, 232 ; analysis of the me- teoric Iron from Tucson, province of Sonora, Mexico, 317.

Geological Society of London, don. to lib., ii., vii., xi., xv., xxv.

Geolog. and Polytech. Soc. of AV. R. Yorkshire, don. to lib., vii.

Gibbes, Dr. Robert W., don. to mus., xxvi.

Goddard, Dr., don. to mus., vii., xi.

Gouhenaut, A., don. to mus.,xi.

Gray, Asa, don. to lib., ii., iii., xviii.

Guex, John A., don. to mus., xiii., xvii., xxxvii.

Gillou, Constant, don. to mus., xxxiii.

Haldeman, Prof., don. to mus., vii. ; remarks on the Limnadella described by Mr. Girard, 34.

Hall, Jas., don. to lib., iii.

Hallowell, Dr. Edward, don. to mus., xvii., xxvi.; descriptions of new Rep- tiles from California, 91 ; on a genus and species of Serpent from Hondu- ras, supposed to be new, 97 ; remarks on the geographical distribution of Reptiles, with descriptions of new species, &c, 98; notice of new Rep- tiles from Texas, 192 ; description of new Reptiles from Guinea, 193.

Hallowell and Leidy, Dis., don. to mus., xxxvii.

Hanson, H. C, don. to lib., xv., xx.

Hare, Lieut. G. H., U. S. N., don. to mus., xvii.

Harrison, Joseph, Sen., don. to mus., xxi. ; vote of thanks of the A. N. S. to, for portraits presented, 255.

Hartman,Dr. W. D., don. to mus., vii.,

Hammond, Dr. W. A., U. S. A., don. to mus., xxxiii.,

Harris, Edward, don. to mus., xxxiii.

Harrison, N., don. to mus., xxxvii.

Hauer, M. Von, don. to lib., xl.

Heermann, Dr. A. L., don. to mus., vii., xi., xiv.,xxxii.; additions to N. American Ornithology, with descrip- tions of new species of the genera Actidurus, Pociiceps and Podylym- bus, 177.

Hamilton, Wm., don. to mus.. vii.

Henry, Dr. T. Charlton, U. S. A., notes derived from observations made on the Birds of New Mexico, during the years 1853-4, 306.

Hering, C. T., don. to mus., xxxii.

Hist. Soc. of Penna., don. to lib., viii.

Horner, Dr., don. to mus., xxv.

Horwitz, Dr. J., U. S. N., don. to mus.. iv.

Hughes, J. C, don. to mus., xxxvii.

Humboldt, Alexander, don. to lib., ix.

Imperial Acad, of Sci. of Bordeaux,

don. to lib., vi., ix., xxxv. Imperial Soc. of Nat. of Moscow, don.

to lib., iii., ix., xxxix. Imperial Soc. of Nat. Sci. of Cherbourg,

don. to lib., v., xxxv. Imperial Soc. of Sci. of Lyons, don< to

lib., xxxix. Imperial Soc. of Agriculture of Lyons,

don. to lib., xxxix.

James, Thos. P., an enumeration of Mosses detected in the northern U. States, which are not comprised in the Manual of Asa Gray, M.D., some of which are new species, 444.

Jones, Joseph, don to mus., xi., xxxiii., xxxvi., xxxvii.; an abstract of expe- riments upon the physical influences exerted by living organic and inor- ganic membranes upon chemical sub- stances passing through them by En- dosmose, 204.

Jolis, M. Auguste de, don. to lib., v.

Journal of Indian Archipelago and East- ern Asia, don. of, by Editors, i. vii., xv., xx., xxv., xxxv.

Kennedy, Dr. H. W.. don. to mus.,iv., ix., xxx.

Kilvington, Robert, don. to mus., xiv., xvi. xxvi.

Kirtland, Prof., don. to mus., xi., xiv.

King, Dr. Alfred T., on the ancient al- luvium of the Ohio River and its Trib- utaries, 4 ; Description of Fossil Trees in the coal rocks near Greens- burg, Pa., 64; Description of Fossii Fruit found in the Carboniferous Rocks of Beaver County, Pa., 66.

Koninck, L. de, and H. Le Hon. don. to lib., xxvii.

Kolliker, A., don. to lib. xxi.



fvrider, John, don. to mus., i., iv.. xxvi. Kuhn, Carl, don. to lib., xxi.

Lacordaire, Theo., don. to lib., ix.; xxvii.

Lambert, John, don. to mus., i., vii., xxxiii.

Lapham, J. A., don. to lib., xv., xxix., xxxii.

Latour, M. H., don. to lib., xv.

Latrobe, J. H. B., don. to lib., xxiv.

Latham, G., don. to mus., xxxiii.

Lawson, the Misses, don. to lib., xxxv.

Lea, Isaac, don. to mus., i., vii., xiii., xiv., xxx. ; don. to lib., xii., xxii.; xxiv., xxvii., xxxiv. ; remarks on Acostaea guarduasana of D:Orbigny, 1 ; rectification of Mr. T. A.Conrad's " Synopsis of the family Naiades of N. America," published in the Pro- ceedings of the A. N. S. of Philada., Feb., 1853, 236 ; reference to the tanned skin of the Walrus, used for polishing cutlery, at Hull, England, 265 ; description of a new Mollusk, from the Red Sandstone near Potts- ville,Pa., 340.

Le Conte, Major, mus.,xxxvii. ; notice of American animals formerly known, but now forgotten or lost, 8 ; remarks on Magnolia Pyramidata of Bartram, 174 ; descriptions of four new species of Kinosternum, 180; Catalogue of American Testudinata, 189 ; observations on the Vespertilio Leporinus of Lin., 190 ; descriptions of new species of Astacus from Geor- gia, 400 ; on a new species of Gelasi- mus, 402 ; remarks on two species of American Cimex, 404 : Descriptive Catalogue of the Ranina of the U. States, 423 ; observations on the N. American species of Bats, 431; des- cription of two new species of Hes- peromys, 442. Le Conte, Dr. John L., don. to mus., i., vi., xiv. ; don. to lib., ii. ; descrip- tions of some new Coleoptera from ! Oregon, collected by Dr. J. G. Coop- j er, on N.Pacific R. R. route, 16; synopsis of the CEdemerida? of the U. States, 20 ; note on the genus Ambly- chila, Say, 32 ; synopsis of the species j of Platynus and allied genera inhabit- ing the U. S., 35 ; remarks on a frag- ment of the jaw of a new Pachyderm from the Tertiary of Virginia, 69 ; synopsis of the Cucuiides of the U. j S., 73 ; synopsis of the Dermestidae

of the U. S., 106; synopsis of the Byrrhidae of the U. S., 113 ; synopsis of the Erotylidae of the U. S., 158; descriptions of the species of Trox and Omorgus inhabiting the U. S., 211 ; some corrections in the Nomen- clature of Coleoptera found in the U. S., 216 ; descriptions of new Coleop- tera collected by Thos. H. Webb, M. D., in 1850-1-2, while Sec'y to the U. S. Boundary Commission, 220 ; re- marks on tailless Cats, 286; remarks on some misrepresentations contained in the " Catalogue des larves des Coleopteres,'Jby M. M. Chapinsand Candeze, 288; Analytical Table of the species of Hydroporus, found in the IJ. S., with descriptions of new species, 290; synopsis of Lathridiide of the (J. S. and northern contiguous Territories, 299: notes on the Amara>. of the [J. S., 345 ; synopsis of the Hydrophilida? of the TJ. S.,^356.

Leeds Philosophical and Literary Soc, don. to lib., vii.

Leidy, Dr. Joseph, donvto mus., i., vi.. xiv., xxi., xxiii., xxx., xxxiii. ; don. to lib., xviii., xxxi., xxxviii. ; re- marks on exhibiting to the Society four vertebrae of a huge extinct Sau- rian from Arkansas, for which he pro- posed the name of Brimosaurus gran- dis, 72 ; remarks on Sus Americanus of Harlan, or Harlanus Americanus of Owen, which he considered identi- cal with Bison latifrons, 89 ; remark- on several fossils indicating new species of extinct mammalia, 90 ; re- marks on the dentition of a new- species of mammal from Nebraska, which he characterized under the name of Dinictis felina, 127 ; re- marks on Prof. Lindley's review o! "A Flora and Fauna within living animals," 128; synopsis of Extinct Mammalia, the remains of which have been discovered in the Eocene formation of Nebraska, 156 ; descrip- tion of a fossil apparently indicating an extinct species of the Camel tribe. 172 ; on Urnatella gracilis and a new species of Plumatella, 191 ; notice of Fossil Bones discovered by Mr. F. A. Lincke, on the banks of the Ohio river, 199; remarks on exhibiting a drawing of a species of Hydraena found in the mantle of Unio purpu- reus, 202 ; remarks on the question of the identity of Bootherium Cavi- frons with Ovibus moschatus, or O.



maximus, 209; remarks on the so- called Fossil man exhibited in New Orleans several years since, 340 ; indications of twelve species of Fos- sil Fishes, 395 ; indications of five species with two new genera of Ex- tinct Fishes, 414 ; remarks on Esca- rina variabile, 415; notices on some Tape worms, 443. Letters from Individuals : Adamson, Rev. J. C, 339. Bernsee, Capt., 287. Borda, Eugene,202. Brucke, Prof. Ernest, 285. Carpenter, G. W., 34. Couch, Lieut. D. M., 15. Dalton, John C, Jr., 203.

Dalton, Dr. H. G., 264.

Deane, Dr., 287.

Dearing, Dr. W. E., 256.

Dock, Geo., 23, 255.

Dowler, Dr. Bennett, 202.

Dos Santos, C. A., 418.

Drinker, Sandwith, 167, 174.

Enderling, Dr. Charles, 35.

Flujjel, Dr. J. G., 195. Foulke, Wm. P., 22.

Fox, Rev. Chas., 121.

Gibbons, Dr. W. P., 15, 90, 345.

Garcia, J. A., G. y., 419.

Hare, Lieut. G. H., 202.

Harrisom, Joseph, Jr., 255.

Hagedorn, C. F., 385.

Humphreys, W., 339.

Huston, Dr. M. H., 89.

Kennedy, H. W., 345. "

King, Byron, 339.

Kirtland, Prof. J. P., 174.

Kuntz, G. H., 23.

Landes, John, 202.

Lea, Isaac, 1.

Le Conte, Prof. John, 1.

McClellan, Capt. Geo. B., 287.

Michellotti, Giovanni, 121.

Moore, Samuel, 418.

Molkenboer, Dr. J. H., 203.

Muller, Baron J. W., von, 1 .

Peale, Chas. Wilson, 419.

Piddington, Henry, 285.

Prout, Dr. Hiram, 285.

Pratten, Henry, 174.

Rathvon, S. S., 202.

Ruschenberger, Dr., 286.

Sandberger, Dr. Guido, 415.

Sauvalle, F. A., 409.

Smith, Prof. J. L., 22.

Tarbe, Prosper, Pres. Nat. Hist. Soc. Rheims, 339, 340.

Vernueil,Ed. de, 287.

Vauquelin, M., 15.

Wailes, Prof. B. L. C.,202. Wetherill, Mrs. M. K., 15. Wilson, Prof. J. L., 167. Letters from Societies, &c.

Acad. C. L. C. Nat. Curiosorum, 255, 344.

Acad, of Science of Berlin, 415.

Acad, of Naturalists of Breslau, 34. 128.

Amer. Ethnolog. Soc, 126.

Amer.Philosoph. Society, 23, 69, 89, 289, 345.^

Belfast Royal Hist. Soc, 89.

Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., 339, 341.

British Museum, 203, 419.

California Acad. Nat. Sci., 173, 385.

Entomolog. Soc. of Stettin, 339.

Geolog. Soc of London, 289, 339.

Imperial Soc of Sci. &c of Lisle, 285.

Imperial Acad, of Sci. of Bordeaux, 409.

Imperial Royal Institute of Sci. of Milan, 409.

Imperial Soc. of Naturalists of Mos- cow, 15, 70, 399, 418.

Leipsic City Library, 202.

Linnean Soc. of London, 339.

Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of New York, 23, 167, 173, 285.

Minister of Public Works and Direct, of Mines of France, 419.

Museum of Nat. Hist, of Strasburg, 127.

Nat. Hist. Asso. of Prussian Rhine- land and Westphalia, 203,419.

Nat. Hist. Asso. of Halle, 15.

Nat. Hist. Soc. of Geneva, 255.

Nat. Hist. Soc. of Dantzic, 339.

N. York State Library, 15, 89, 127, 173, 202, 285, 348, 3S5.

Penna. Slate Library, 89, 121.

Portland Soc. of Nat. Hist., 69, 70.

Royal Acad, of Sci. of Stockholm, 23, 70, 255, 409.

Royal Saxon Soc. of Sci., 88, 415.

Royal Acad, of Sci. of Vienna, 88, 195, 203,339, 345,399.

Royal Bavarian Acad., 126,203, 339. 899.

Royal Imp. Geolog. Inst, of Vienna. 128,418.

Royal Acad, of Sci. of Belgium, 174.

Royal Acad, of Sci. of Liege, 195.

Royal Acad, of Sci. of Amsterdam, 202, 419.

Royal Soc of Sci. of Gottingen, 203, 399.

Royal Lib. of University of Gottin- gen, 341.

Royal Soc of Sci. of TJpsala, 399.



Royal Mineralogical Soc. of St. Pe- tersburg, 399. Royal Danish Soc. of Sci., 409. Royal Acad, of Sci., &c of Lyons,

418. Royal Soc. of Agriculture, &c, of

Lyons, 418. Smithsonian Institution, 70, 121, 2S5,

385. Soc. of Nat. Hist, of Cherburg, 34,

409. Soc. of Arts and Sciences of Batavia,

341, 415. Wurtemburg Nat. Hist. Soc, 255,

345 Zoological Soc. of London, 264. Lewis, E. J., don. to lib., xxiv. Lewis, Dr. Samuel, don. to mus.,

xxxvii. Lindsley, Dr. Berrian, don. to lib., vi. Lichtenstein, Dr. H., don. to lib., xiii. Liner, Dr., U. S.-N., don. to mus., xxv. Linnean Soc. of London, don. to lib.,

xxviii. Lombardy Inst, of Sci., &.c, don. to

lib., xxxv. Long. Dr.E., don., to mus., vii. Librarian, Report of, for 1854, 252 ; for 1855, 449. .

Martins, Chas. and B. Gastaldi, don. to

lib., xvi. Mayer, Prof., don. to lib., xxi. McCall, Col. Geo. A., don. to mus., i.,

xiv., xvii., xxiii. McClellan, Capt. Geo. B., don. to mus.,

xxvi. McMurtrie, R. C., don. to mus., xxxiii. Meigs, Dr. Charles D., don. to mus., vi. Meigs, Dr. J. Aitken, revised edition

of the "Catalogue of Human Crania,"

in the collection of the late Dr. S. G.

Morton, 420. Mitchell, Messrs. E. & J. M., and L.

Brognard, don. to mus., xxx. Merrick, John, don. to mus., xi. Miller, Edward, don. to mus., xxiii. Michelin, H., don. to lib., xxviii. Mitchell, Dr. S. W., don. to mus., i. Mitchell, Dr. J. K., don. to mus., xvii. Morris, Dr. J. Cheston, don. to mus.,

xxx. Morris, Rev. John D., don. to lib.,

xxxi. Moore, Wm., don. to mus , xxxiii. Moss, T. F., don. to mus., xi. Motchoulsky, Victor, don. to lib., iii. Miiller, Baron J. W. de, don. to lib., ii.

Muller, Dr. T. D., don. to mus., i. Murray, Andrew, don. to mus., xxxii. Members elected :

Barcroft, Stacey B., 395. Barton, Isaac, 285.

Borda, Eugene, 173.

Brown, Dr. Robt. F., 418.

Cadwalader, Wm.,285.

Clements, Dr. Richard, 395.

Dock, Dr. Geo., 22.

Drysdale, Dr. Thos. M., 339.

Fassit, Francis, 201.

Freeman, Dr. Wm., 254.

Geylin, Emile, 173.

Gillou, Constant, 34.

Guex, John A., 201.

Hartshorne, Dr. Henry, 337.

Harrison, Joseph, 165.

Harding, George, 22.

Hagedorn, C. F., 397.

Hering, C. J., 408.

Hilgard, Dr. Theo., 337.

Howell, Samuel D., 418."

Humphreys, G. H., 408

Hooper, Dr. Wm. H., 254.

Hunt, Dr. Wm., 264.

Laroche, Rene, Jr., 414.

Lewis, Dr. Samuel, 414.

Luther, Dr. Diller, 337.

Mallery, Garrick, 165.

Mcllhenny, Dr. Wm. S., 88.

Merrick, J. V., 67.

Messchert, M., 337.

Moore, Dr. Samuel, 418.

Morris, Dr. J. Cheston, 337.

Negus, Jas. Engle, 34.

Newbold, Dr. Thos., 201.

Pennypacker, Dr. Isaac, 173.

Piatt, Clayton I., 34.

Rogers, Fairman, 22.

Rush, Madison, U. S. N., 384.

Smith, J. Brinton, 126.

Smyth, Samuel, 3S4.

Spackman, Rev. Henry S., 395

Taggert, J. Edwards, 337.

Tiedemann, Henry, 395.

Turner, Dr. J. W., U. S. N., 22.

Tyson, Job R., 88.

Vanderkemp, Dr. J. J., 67.

West, Hilborne, 408.

Woodward, Dr. J. J., 384.

National Institute, Washington, don. ro lib., xxviii.

Nat. Hist. Asso. of Prussian Rhine- land and Westphalia, don. to lib., xx., xxxix.

Nat. Hist. Soc. of Halle, don. to lib., ii.



New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journ.,' Rand, Dr. B. H., don. to mus., vi., don. of, by Editors, ix., xii., xvi., ! xvii. ; don. to lib., iii., xxvii., xxii. xxxiii. ; remarks on presenting a

specimen of Uranite from the W. Banks of the Schuylkill River near Fairmount, 286 ; remarks on a speci- men of Cyanide and Nitride of Tita nium, from the salamander of a blast furnace, at Spring Mill, 409. Rand, Theo. W., don. to mus., xxiii. Rank, Wm., don. to mus., xxxiii. Ravenel, A. H., don. to mus., xxxi.,

New York Journ. of Med., don. of, by

Editors, i., v., viii. New York Lyceum of Nat. Hist., don.

to lib., viii. New York State Library, don. to lib.,

x., xxxi. New York Med. Times, don. of, by

Editors, xxiv., xxv., xxxviii. New York Inst, for the Blind, don. to

lib., xxiv. New York Quarterly, don. of, by Edi- tors, xxiv., xxxi. Norwood, J. G. & H. Pratten, don. to

lib., xxxii. Nott, Dr. J. C, don. to lib., xl. Nott, Dr. J. C. & G. R. Gliddon, don.

to lib., vi.

Orficers elected for 1854,253; for 1855, 453.

Ord, George, don. to mus., xiv., xxvi. Remarks on the project of erecting a Mo nm ent to the memory of Alexandpr Wilson, at Paisley, Scotland, 415.

Owen, Richard, don. to lib., xxxi.

Patent Office of the U. S., don. to lib.,

xv., xxxiv. Patterson, Wm., don. to mus.,xxi. Penna. Hist. Soc, don. to lib., xxii. Penna. State Legis. Library of, don. to

lib., xxiv. Pickering, Dr. Charles, don. to lib., v. Piddington, H., don. to lib., ix., xxviii. Pierce, H., don. to mus., xxxvii. Portland Soc. of Nat Hist. A complete

sett ot the Publications of the A. N.

S., of Philada., presented to, 34. Powel, Samuel, don. to mus., xxiii. Powell, J. E., communication on the

habits of the Moose, as observed in

the State of Maine, 342. Power, A. E., don. to mus., xxx. Pratten, Henry, don. to mus., xiv.,

xvi. Pryor, Dr. Charles, don. to mus., xi. Pottsville Sci. Association, don., to lib. ,


Quevenne, M., don. to lib., ix., xxxii. Quesnet, Edward, don. to lib., xl.

xxxii., xxxix.

Retzius, Prof. A., on artificially formed skulls from the ancient world, 405.

Redfield, Wm. C, don. to lib., xv.

Rice, Wm., don. to mus., iv.

Riddle, Dr. J. M., don. to lib., xxi.

Ritchie, Capt. J. H., don. to mus., i.

Robeson, A., don. to mus., vi.

Royal Acad, of Science of Turin, don. to lib., xxxv.

Royal Acad., of Science of Madrid, don. to lib., xxxv.

Royal Acad, of Science of Stockholm, don. to lib., ix.

Royal Acad, of Science of Vienna, don. to lib., ix., xii., xx., xxvi., xxix., xxxiv.

Royal Acad, of Science of Amsterdam, don. to lib., xviii., xxxix.

Royal Imperial Geological Inst, of Vi- enna, don. to lib., ix., x,, xxvii., xxix., xxxix.

Royal Inst, ot Science of Lombardy, don. to lib., xxxv.

Royal Saxon Soc. of Science at Leipzig, don. to lib., ix., xxxix.

Royal Soc of Science of Gottingen, don. to lib., xxxiii.

Royal Society of Edinburgh, don. to lib., iii., xxvii., xxxv.

Royal Netherlands Inst, of Science, don. to lib., v.

Royal Soc. of Liege, don. to lib., xxiii.

Ruschenberger, Dr., don. to mus., i>, vii., xxiii-, xxxvii. ; don. to lib., viii., x.

Reports of Committees :—

On Mr. Girard's paper on an Entomo- stracan, 3 ; nominating Wm. P. Foulke, Esq. to deliver an Oration on the Anniversary (1854) of the So-